Yahav is a young, growing, and feisty educational organization in the spirit of the Zionist Movement, which operates among young men and women in pre-military and student settings. The idea was born from the vision of four youngsters who wanted to resume dealing with the great questions at the heart of Israeli society, and out of a sense of responsibility for the country’s future. At Yahav we meet young men and women at a decisive and significant period in their lives, expose them to the ideas of Zionism and challenge them to think about how these ideas are expressed in contemporary society. The meetings take place all over the nation, from Sde Boker in the south to Shlomi in the north, as service years, pre-military prep schools and regional councils, in cities, kibbutzim, youth villages, and boarding schools.
The Yahav Within
Yahav is operated annually by honor student grant recipients, who constitute the heart of the organization. These students are themselves graduates of service years and pre-military prep schools, who have performed significant service in the IDF, and have been chosen out of hundreds of candidates to guide the youngsters in the various settings. In these leading youths (you!) we see a goal in and of itself, and one of the main objects of the Yahav program. Therefore, along with their instructor duties, these students undergo around 10 meetings on varied topics titled “The Yahav Within”, once a month.
In order to enable the guides to continue choosing their path in life on their own, and out of belief in the combination of theory and practice, we at Yahav offer a full package: Fulfilling work through educating the younger generation in Israel, alongside in-depth study of the foundations of Zionism with a select group of the program’s instructors. These meetings provide in-depth learning, empowerment, and direct touch with the core issues of Yahav and Israeli society, at which the instructors exchange experiences and impressions from guiding youngsters in the various settings, and understand, through various texts, the relevance of the topics in this day. Following instruction at Yahav, instructors integrate into key roles in Israeli public life, and join a network of change-leading youngsters.